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Call Me Now

Call Me Now

You’re going to make a mojo bag for this spell. Create it during the waxing moon. The idea is to connect you and the person you wish to contact in a magical way with magical energy, thus manifesting your connection in the mundane world.Items needed:1. A photograph of each of you, or better yet, a photograph of the two of you together.2. Two paperclips and/or glue3. A ribbon, the color of which will reflect your relationship with this person– red for a lusty passionate coupling, pink for friendship, white– which will cover any aspect, purple for soul sisters/brothers, green for business partners, etc.4. A cloth bag, the color of which could reflect your intentions, just like the ribbon– it should be noted that red flannel is the traditional color and cloth for hoodoo magicIf you’re using two photos, glue them together, face to face, attach the paperclips to the four sides, and tie the photos together with the ribbon, making three knots, verbally embellishing each of these knots with your intentions.If you’re using one photo of the two of you, fold the photo in half so that you are face to face with this individual. Glue the photo together, paper clip the edges, and tie it up with the ribbon, making three knots– stating your intentions loud and clear to the universe as you go.Drop this photo in your bag. Keep it in a safe place until you make contact, after which, this bag can either be kept to insure continued interaction with this person, or it can be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind– insuring open communication through the element of Air.2. Summoning PowderYou’re going to create this powder and use it in a variety of ways to summon to you a particular person. You will sprinkle this powder on a piece of clothing you may have that belongs to the target; on correspondence that you’ve saved, or on a new piece of correspondence you’re mailing out; on the target’s property– their doorstep, the walk before their house, etc.– in secret, of course.However, a safer method, and one which doesn’t have the potential of getting you into trouble, would be to put the target’s photo, signature, or name paper in a red flannel mojo bag and add summoning powder to it. You keep the bag, and you decide what to do with it and when. This also gives you absolute control over the spell, the target, and the outcome– I like this option best.Crush and blend the following three ingredients, of equal amounts, in your mortar and pestle:Bay leavesCinnamonAniseTo this succulent mound of herbs, add Drawing Powder (powdered sugar)– in an amount equal to the batch of herbs you’ve just crushed.Voila’…Summoning Powder.3. Rosemary SummonsUse rosemary and a pinch of Drawing Powder to summon someone to you that you have feelings for, or whose help you need. This could include someone you have romantic feelings for; someone you love in a platonic way; someone that you’re connected to through blood or circumstance; or someone whose help you need with an issue or personal problem. Think of this spell as a pied piper’s wiggling finger inferring, “Come hither.”You will gather a handful of dried rosemary, a photo/signature/or name paper of the one you need to summon, and a lovely little fire– either outdoors in a nice fire pit, or a smaller adaptation in your cauldron.When you get your fire burning properly, drop into it the photo/signature/or name paper; next, the rosemary, sprinkling it carefully so you don’t smother your flames. And finally, just a pinch of Drawing Powder.As the flames consume the ingredients of your spell, chant:“Blessed rosemary, I call unto thee;Summon (name) to come to me.”4. To BeckonThis is a very gentle spell– yes, the gray witch embraces this type of magic, contrary to popular belief. The purpose of this spell is to give a subtle suggestion to someone you wish to have contact with. This is not an in-your-face summons, but a soft tap on the shoulder; and this spell does not force anyone to do anything they do not wish to do. If the person to whom you beckon likes the feel of the energy you send their way, they will respond.This spell is all about energy, and that’s all you will use in the casting of it.Find a peaceful comfortable spot to plant yourself, either outdoors in the midst of nature, or in a space that you’ve structured for yourself to be conducive to meditation and concentrated thought– perhaps complete with soft background music (instrumentals only), candles, and incense.When you have centred and grounded yourself and cleared your mind of disruptive chatter, hone in on the person you will be sending this energy to. Close your eyes and visualise their face before you, as you do, chant softly either their name– over and over in a mesmerising sing-song chant, or you can repeat these words:“Know I call to you,Think of me,Think of me,So mote it be.”You will continue chanting until you feel the energy build and roll, and when it has become overwhelming, send it off. Release it with a breath, with a hand gesture, with a sigh or a shout. If you’ve never done this type of spell casting before, you will come to recognise very quickly the feeling of building energy. Sometimes it has actually given me butterflies in my tummy, as though I were moving. And you will know when you’ve thrown it out into the world; it will often leave your space in a ‘whoosh’ that sends goose bumps rushing up your legs.5. Summoning Spirits For this summoning spell, we’re going to use Black Cat Oil. Not only is this oil a powerful conduit for summoning spirits, it’s often used to break bad spells, and for protection. This oil will contain a pinch of hair from a black cat– the most important ingredient.Contrary to popular myth, black cats do not bring bad luck. They are said to be a favourite form for shape-shifting spirits; and this is one reason it’s considered bad luck to harm a black cat– that purring beautiful ball of fur before you might in fact be a magical creature or spirit who is observing you just as keenly as you are observing it.Black cats are thought to have special magical connections and have long been a favoured creature for a witch’s familiar.First, the Black Cat Oil.Items needed:1. Herbs: sage, bay leaves, myrrh– substitutions for myrrh include anise, cloves, lemon balm, and cinnamon2. Steel wool3. Iron4. Black cat hair5. Oil– for the base…Castor oil for protection, as well as to break curses/hexes/spells; almond oil, to attract the opposite sexMix these ingredients together and warm them in your cauldron, just until you smell the herbs, knowing that the energy is released. Add this mixture to a jar, and leave it sit for a night beneath the moonlight.To summon spirits:Anoint a blue or purple candle with Black Cat Oil and burn this candle, calling in the spirits.To summon a particular spirit, such as a loved one who’s passed, I create an altar for this spirit filled with photos, favourite personal items, a piece of clothing having belonged to them in life, etc. Samhain evening would be the most advantageous time to perform a ritual such as this, but you can call spirits to you at any time you desire them.

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