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To undo a love spell

To undo a love spell *Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paper *A burning dish Cut the paper between the...

To release an unwanted love

To release an unwanted love * two black candles * one candle to represent the person Do this during waning moon Take your athame in your...

To heal a broken heart

To heal a broken heart *1/4 cup seasalt *2 candles *mirror *a small cloth *a copper penny *teaspoon dried jasmine *teaspoon orris root...


TO FORGET LOST LOVE You will need the following items for this spell: 1 teaspoon of one of any of these herbs (aster, basil, catnip,...

To Cause A Lover Discord

To Cause A Lover Discord This is to cause a lover discord, who lives with another. This will cause them to be unhappy with their living...

To end a relationship

To end a relationship * white candle anointed with eucalyptus oil Say: ‘(.name..), you were once my hearts desire, I once loved you like...

To Separate Lovers

To Separate Lovers Items Needed: 1tblsp. of cat fur, as well as dog fur 3tblsp. of separation powder Square brown paper Dragons Blood Ink...

Book Of Shadows: Blog2
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